Christopher Scott Photography

What is the Limited Collection? The Limited Collection offers exclusivity with each print being limited to a maximum number of prints, from as few as 75 to a high of 100 prints. Limited prints are also priced according to the number of prints that have been sold and not according to size. There are four pricing zones for each Limited print, with the price significantly increasing from one zone to the next as the demand for the print too increases.

What is the Unlimited Collection? The Unlimited Collection contains Unlimited prints, which unlike Limited prints have no limit to the number of prints available and are priced according to size.

How many prints are offered in each of the pricing zones for the Limited prints? For prints that are limited to 100, the pricing zones are as follows: Green 1-50, Yellow 51-75, Orange 76-90, Red 91-100. For prints that are limited to 75, the pricing zones are as follows: Green 1-40, Yellow 41-60, Orange 61-70, Red 71-75. Prices for each zone vary according to each photo individually.

How long will it take for me to receive my print?
Typically, it takes two to three weeks for the owner to receive his or her print after purchase.

Will my print come with a frame?
No. Due to the highly personalized and sensitive nature of frames, CM.Scott Photography does not currently offer frames with prints. We allow print owners to choose their own frames so they may have the perfect frame made down to the very last detail.

May I return a print?
No. Prints may not be returned after they are ordered and shipped.

May I cancel my order?
Yes, but all orders must be cancelled before the printing process has begun, which is typically one business day.

Why are some prints priced the same for every size and others not?
The pricing structure differs for Unlimited and Limited prints. Unlimited prints are not sold based on a limited quantity, so they are sold according to size. However, Limited prints are sold based on the number of prints per print title, and each print title has set prices at different price brackets. Price brackets are based on the remaining number of available prints and do not consider size.

How are print limits counted down?
Print limits are counted down with each print of that specific print title.

Will Limited print titles be reproduced beyond the limit?
No. Limited print titles will only be offered in printed form, and once the limit is reached, the print will not be reproduced again.

What is the cost of shipping?
The price of shipping is included within the cost of every print.